It's fondly remembered by even casual fans for its clever writing, many a hiliarious scene, and, oh yeah, its OFF-THE-CHARTS FREAKY FACTOR! This show is considered something of a classic. It's up to Courage to save his new home!" To quote the opening narration "freaky stuff happens in Nowhere. The basic premise revolved around the titular cowardly dog, Courage, who lived with his two owners - the lovable old granny, Muriel Bagge, and her greedy bastard of a husband, Eustace - who live in the Middle of Nowhere (literally they live in Nowhere, Kansas). For you youngin's out there who aren't in the know, Courage the Cowardly Dog was a Cartoon Network show that ran from 1999 to 2002, with a total of four seasons and fifty-two episodes. Those of you who grew up in the "Golden Age of Cartoons" know what I'm talking about. One show that, on certain parts on the internet, the very title is synonymus with "fear". But, amongst all this frightening stuffs, there is one show that stands out from all the others. We've all seen plenty of these in our lives - Are You Afriad of the Dark?, several Disney movies, and even a few episodes of Care Bears and My Little Pony, to name only a few off the top of my head. That being said, I'd be lying if I said there wasn't anything out there that was meant to scare, but still be intended for young audiences. But, sadly, someone goofed, and what was meant to be amusing turned into something ready to crawl into our young minds and haunt us well into adulthood. The vast majority of stuff that ends up being Nightmare Fuel was supposed to be entertaining. Nightmare Fuel is that magic element in media that scared the bejeebus out of you as a child, but was never meant to. Most of it wasn't intentional. For those of you out there who are not complete hermits and haven't wasted what probably amounts to months of your life on TV Tropes, I'll explain. While it's unlikely to beat the scare factor of episodes like "King Ramses Curse" or "Demon In The Mattress," it proves that the cultural relevancy of courage won't be waning any time soon.If there's one thing in this world that always manages to make me smile, it's a little good, old-fashioned Nightmare Fuel. Teaming up with Mystery Inc., fans can't wait to see what kind of hijinks and horrors the special will have in store. Updated on July 16th, 2021 by Tanner Fox: Set to release in September of 2021, Straight Outta Nowhere: Scooby-Doo! Meets Courage the Cowardly Dog is set to introduce the pink pooch to an entirely new audience. From an unhinged barber unable to control his urge to shave both people and pets to claymation jumpscares that remain every bit as terrifying as they were twenty years ago, here are fifteen of the scariest episodes of Courage the Cowardly Dog. Though lighthearted in many aspects, some episodes took things a bit too far. RELATED: The 10 Best Episodes Of Courage The Cowardly Dog (According To IMDb) Likey having inspired many of today's hardcore horror hounds, it's fondly remembered by many, and the show still haunts the nightmares of those who grew up during the late 90s.
RELAOne of the most iconic series to premiere as part of Cartoon Network's all-star turn-of-the-century lineup, Courage the Cowardly Dog is one of the most beloved animated comedy-horror series of all time.